MyOnlineStore / omnipay-klarna-checkout

Klarna Checkout gateway for Omnipay

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[Question] Deviations from Omnipay API

jesperbjerke opened this issue · comments

I might just be a bit confused, but it looks like this package is not conforming to the abstractions of Omnipay, and instead is using the direct implementations of the payment provider. Is there a specific reason to do so? Any plans to align it more with Omnipay? I mean, using Omnipay kind of looses its point if there are a bunch of custom methods/implementations for each provider anyways.

Some examples can be found in this issue #69
And also looking at how the options are expected in this package compared to

I'm also experiencing issues with conformity to Omnipay standards.
I'm implementing a shop in Aimeos which is a Laravel extension, they have full support for Omnipay, but this extension does not work without overriding their Omnipay Provider class, in part due to different namespaces than expected. For example they expect to be able to initialise via Omnipay\Omnipay::create( 'KlarnaCheckout' ); but that does not work.