MustansirZia / react-native-fused-location

Finest location for react-native on Android using the new Fused API.

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Location object does not have a heading property

Malcolm1998 opened this issue · comments

When I used the example code in the docs, the location object that is returned does not have a heading property. Other important properties are returned like latitude and longitude, but the heading property is missing all together. However, the the documentation says that a heading property should be in the location object. I am testing the code on my Samsung Galaxy S8 that is running android 9.

Hi @Malcolm1998!
I understand what you're saying. This looks it can be fixed pretty soon. I'm certain that means in the next version. Really sorry for not taking out the time to address this sooner.

Okay, so I've had time to look into this issue and it seems there, in fact, there is is no heading property available to us. That's how it has been since the beginning, what's weird is it crept in the docs as a typo and has renamined there since then.

However, I think what you're looking for is the bearing property. Do check it out.
And thanks for pointing this out. Going to close the issue.