MustansirZia / react-native-fused-location

Finest location for react-native on Android using the new Fused API.

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huangkaiw3n opened this issue · comments

Thanks for the awesome library @MustansirZia

It's been working great for me so far but I've received a single crash log with the following details:
User Device: Optimus F5
Android Version: 4.1

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: android.location.Location.isFromMockProvider at com.mustansirzia.fused.FusedLocationModule.convertLocationToJSON( at com.mustansirzia.fused.FusedLocationModule.access$000( at com.mustansirzia.fused.FusedLocationModule$1.onLocationChanged( at$zzb$1.zza(Unknown Source) at$zzb$1.zzs(Unknown Source) at Source) at$zza.handleMessage(Unknown Source) at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( at android.os.Looper.loop( at com.facebook.react.bridge.queue.MessageQueueThreadImpl$ at

Is this a compatibility issue with Android 4?

@huangkaiw3n You're welcome!
Yes, indeed. isFromMockProvider is not available below SDK version 18. (4.3). Here's a Reference.
This issue is now fixed in 8192bb3. Update your version to 0.0.9. This exception should now go away as I'm using a different method now to check mock locations below SDK 18.
Thank you so much for pointing this out.