MusicDin / kubitect

Kubitect provides a simple way to set up a highly available Kubernetes cluster across multiple hosts.

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Error creating multiple data resource pools on the same host

MusicDin opened this issue · comments

│ Error: error creating libvirt storage pool: operation failed: Storage source conflict with pool: 'local-rook-pool-data-resource-pool'
│   with module.host_localhost.libvirt_pool.data_resource_pools["rook-pool-2"],
│   on modules/host/ line 29, in resource "libvirt_pool" "data_resource_pools":
│   29: resource "libvirt_pool" "data_resource_pools" {

Data resource pool names are different but paths are the same:

resource "libvirt_pool" "data_resource_pools" {

  for_each = { for pool in var.hosts_dataResourcePools : => pool }

  name = "${var.cluster_name}-${each.key}-data-resource-pool"
  type = "dir"
  path = pathexpand("${trimsuffix(each.value.path, "/")}/${var.cluster_name}-data-resource-pool" # -${each.key} is missing