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TeamSpeak 3 Server Query Library supports SSH and RAW Query

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variables in json without slash

borodadada opened this issue · comments

Hello, after ncu, i have problem

clientInputMuted: false,
      clientOutputMuted: false,
      clientInputHardware: false,
      clientOutputHardware: false,
      clientTalkPower: 0,
      clientIsTalker: false,
      clientIsPrioritySpeaker: 0,
      clientIsRecording: false,
      clientIsChannelCommander: false,
      clientUniqueIdentifier: 'serveradmin',

variables without slash, my code not work
anybody know whats problem?

did you read the update notes from here?

I dont really know what you mean with "variables without slash"

this is it, thanks man, i needed fix all variable now?

yes variables changed, variables are now being converted to camelCase instead of snake_case which is pretty much standard in JS

okey, but i see

clientChannelGroupId: '8',
      clientChannelGroupInheritedChannelId: '1',
      clientVersion: 'ServerQuery',
      clientPlatform: 'ServerQuery',
      clientIdleTime: 1650672,
      clientCreated: 0,
      clientLastconnected: 0,
      clientIconId: '0',
      client_country: undefined,           <<<<<<<<<<<<<<  old format variable hmmmmm
      connectionClientIp: ''

I am not sure what you mean here, i dont really have any context to what you post

thx, all fine!