MultiQC / MultiQC

Aggregate results from bioinformatics analyses across many samples into a single report.

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Copy Table of Custom Content

GHAStVHenry opened this issue Β· comments

Description of bug

Custom content in table plot_type. Copy table button in log copies the section_name, not the table itself. Built in reports copies the tables properly.

File that triggers the error

MultiQC Error log

docker run -v ~/Desktop/multiqc/:`pwd` -w `pwd` multiqc/multiqc:v1.19 multiqc ./inputs/ -c ./multiqc_config.yaml -f 

  /// MultiQC πŸ” | v1.19

|           multiqc | Search path : /Users/ghenry/Desktop/multiqc/inputs
|         searching | ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100% 2/2  
|    custom_content | sex: Found 1 samples (table)
|           multiqc | Report      : multiqc_report.html
|           multiqc | Data        : multiqc_data
|           multiqc | MultiQC complete

Before submitting

  • I have read the troubleshooting documentation.
  • I am using the latest release of MultiQC.
  • I have included a full MultiQC log, not truncated.
  • I have attached an input file (.zip if necessary) that triggers the error.

Thanks for the bug report @GHAStVHenry. Could you share the input data and multiqc_config.yaml please? Looks like the section section_anchor is identical to the table id, making the "Copy Table" callback pick the section header instead of the table.

I'll try to find a workaround for that and will implement it, but as a quick fix, please make sure to rename the table ID sex to sex-table or something distinct from the section anchor.
zipped is the input file and the custom config...

so it sounds like until you change the target, I can fix on my side by changing the table id to be unique from the section... Thanks!

...confirmed changing the id of the report fixed the problem

Nice, glad to hear! And the PR #2300 above should also fix it more robustly, once merged :)