MultiPaper / MultiPaper

Multi-server, single-world papermc implementation

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Mulipaper is not running on pre-existing server [Possible Chunk Conversation]

L8-Alphine opened this issue · comments

Stack trace

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Plugin and Datapack List

  • Advanced Portals
  • ajLeaderBoards
  • AlonsoTags
  • BetterRTP
  • BuildPortals
  • BungeeGuard
  • Citizens
  • CMILib
  • Codex
  • CommandPrompter
  • CoreProtect
  • CraftBook
  • CrazyVouchers
  • CreativeManager
  • DecentHolograms
  • DeluxeBazaar
  • DeluxeMenus
  • DiscordSRV
  • DiscordSRVUtils
  • DiSky
  • Duels
  • eco
  • EcoEnchants
  • EffectLib
  • EpicRename
  • EssentialsX
  • EssentialsXSpawn
  • ExcellentCrates
  • EzChestShop
  • FastAsyncWorldEdit-Bukkit
  • Floodgate-Spigot
  • GeyserSkinManager-Spigot
  • InteractionVisualizer
  • item-nbt-api-spigot
  • Jobs
  • LibDisguises
  • Litebans
  • LoneLibs
  • LuckPerms
  • LWC
  • LWCTrust
  • mcMMO
  • Multiverse-Core
  • Mythic-Lib
  • MythicMobs
  • NameslessMC
  • NexEngine
  • NotBounties
  • NoteBlockAPI
  • NPCIntroductions
  • nuvotifier
  • PackerListenerAPI
  • PlaceholderAPI
  • Plan
  • PLayerAuctions
  • ProtocolLib
  • Quests
  • RoseStacker
  • ShopKeepers
  • SeigeWar
  • SkBee
  • Skellett
  • SkQuery
  • skRayFall
  • Skript
  • skript-placeholders
  • Skulls
  • sleep-most
  • spark
  • SuperVanish
  • TAB
  • Tebex
  • TheBartender
  • TheVaults
  • Towny
  • TownyChat
  • TownyMenus
  • TownyResources
  • Vault
  • VentureChat
  • ViaBackwards
  • ViaVersion
  • Vulcan
  • WarpSystem
  • worldguard
  • zkoth
  • zschedulers
  • zvoteparty

Custom Plugins was kept out.

Actions to reproduce (if known)

No response

MultiPaper version

Unable to grab due to no booting but this is the version jar file: multipaper-1.20.1-21


This might be a chunk issue with the version of the multipaper not reading the chunk data correctly like seen when downgrading from a version or upgrading from a 1.8 to a 1.19 server version.

There’s a file in the server that multipaper is trying to upload to the master, but it is too large to do so. Check your multipaper.yml config to see what folders are set up to sync, and find the largest file. Either remove it or add it to the files not to sync in the config. If that resolves the issue, let me know what file it is and the size so that I can work at getting multipaper to support such large files.

The largest Files that are in the Real Time Sync are the following

  • plugins/ajLeaderboards/ [6,332,416 bytes]
  • plugins/AdvancedPortals/config.yml [4,313 bytes]
  • plugins/AlonsoTags/database-alonsotags.db [40,960 bytes]
  • plugins/BetterRTP/data/database.db [176,128 bytes]
  • plugins/Citizens/saves.yml [47,342 bytes]
  • plugins/CoreProtect/database.db [4,837,474,304 bytes]
  • plugins/Essenentials/userdata [241,021 bytes]
  • plugins/EzChestShop/ecs-database.db [299,008 bytes]
  • plugins/Jobs/jobs.sqlite.db [1,216,512]
  • plugins/LWC/lwc.db [421,888]
  • plugins/mcMMO/flatefile/mcmmo.users [29,810 bytes]
  • plugins/PlaceholderAPI [roughly 1,850,440 bytes]
  • plugins/PlayerAuctions/data [1,183,778 bytes]
  • plugins/TheVaults/database.db [372,736 bytes]

I see that the CoreProtect is the largest database there. I added the Coreprotect to a mysql database hoping that will fix this issue.

Just tried with removing the larger 1 million + size files but didn't work.

I should also mention the the total data that is saved on the server is over 80 GIGs of space.

Why are you syncing a 4 gigabyte sqlite database file instead of just using mysql?

Why are you syncing a 4 gigabyte sqlite database file instead of just using mysql?

I've noticed that, but I change it to mysql and but still won't boot.