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Multi-server, single-world papermc implementation

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mistake with ender eyes

Belceebuh opened this issue · comments

Hi, I am using MultiPaper 1.19.2 and for some strange reason when a person goes to the end portal and clicks on the portal frame, the eye is placed but it is thrown, it is as if it is duplicated, this causes the server to crash.


Can you show video of this happening?

Since crash report doesn't say much.

this time it didn't crash, I don't know why but it only happens sometimes.

This looks similar to enderpearl problem, where it desyncs if player on external chunks, are you by chance on external chunks?

Run /mpdebug and provide screenshot or say whatever particles are blue or red.

PS: sorry for the fps of the video, for some reason it was saved like this.

hmmm then its not related, i will check it.

okay, thanks.

@Belceebuh Have you tested with no plugins? i have been trying to replicate this, nothing so far.

@ham1255 Could it be because I use a custom world generator?

Custom world generation does not mess with ender pearls end eyes*

can i see your list of plugins?
run /plugins in your console and paste text output no screenshots please.


Plugins (60): AlonsoTags, AureliumSkills, BetterRTP, ChatSentry, Chunky, Citizens, CMILib, CommandPanels, CustomHeads*, DeathMessages, DecentHolograms, DeluxeCoinflip, DeluxeCombat, DeluxeCombat_Addon_WG*, DeluxeMenus, eco, EcoEnchants, Essentials, EssentialsSpawn, ExcellentCrates, FastAsyncWorldEdit (WorldEdit), Graves, GSit, InteractiveChat, Iris, ItemEdit, ItemsAdder, ItemTag, Jobs, LightAPI, LoneLibs, LPC, LuckPerms, MarriageMaster, MobFarmManager, Multiverse-Core, NBTAPI, NexEngine, PlaceholderAPI, PlayerKits, ProtocolLib, ShopGUIPlus, SkinsRestorer, sleep-most, spark, SternalBoard, TAB, TradePlus, UltimateClans, UltraCosmetics, Vault, ViaBackwards, ViaVersion, VoidGen, VotingPlugin, VoxelSniper, Vulcan, WorldBorder, WorldGuard, zAuctionHouseV3

Based on discord messages
Its was Iris issues

Closing as plugin issue.