MulberryBeacon / tic-tac-toe

Simple implementation of the good old Tic-tac-toe game.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A simple implementation of the good old Tic-tac-toe game.


To run the game, just compile the source code and run it as any run-of-the-mill Java program:

$ javac
$ java TicTacToe


Here's an example run between the program and a human player:

Computer says: (1,1)

 ⨯ |   |   
   |   |   
   |   |   

Please insert a valid pair of coordinates: 1 3
Puny human played: (1,3)

 ⨯ |   | ○ 
   |   |   
   |   |   

Computer says: (3,1)

 ⨯ |   | ○ 
   |   |   
 ⨯ |   |   

Please insert a valid pair of coordinates: 2 1
Puny human played: (2,1)

 ⨯ |   | ○ 
 ○ |   |   
 ⨯ |   |   

Computer says: (3,3)

 ⨯ |   | ○ 
 ○ |   |   
 ⨯ |   | ⨯ 

Please insert a valid pair of coordinates: 2 2
Puny human played: (2,2)

 ⨯ |   | ○ 
 ○ | ○ |   
 ⨯ |   | ⨯ 

Computer says: (3,2)

 ⨯ |   | ○ 
 ○ | ○ |   
 ⨯ | ⨯ | ⨯ 

Game over! Bow before your new machine overlord!


All development and testing activities were carried out on Linux using version 1.8.0_101 of the Java OpenJDK Runtime Environment.

Code metrics v 1.70  T=0.09 s (11.3 files/s, 6294.4 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
Java                             1             77            202            279


Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Eduardo Ferreira

The code in this repository is MIT licensed, and therefore free to use as you please for commercial or non-commercial purposes (see LICENSE for details).


Simple implementation of the good old Tic-tac-toe game.

License:MIT License


Language:Java 100.0%