MuhammadMoinFaisal / YOLOv8-DeepSORT-Object-Tracking

YOLOv8 Object Tracking using PyTorch, OpenCV and DeepSORT

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tracking two video

anonyprogrammer opened this issue · comments

Hi, I want to do speed estimate and object tracking for two video and when I do that with thread it goes until the second thread stop with this error :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\", line 953, in run
self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
File "G:\Programming\Python Project\Speed Detection\myVenv\lib\site-packages\torch\", line 115, in decorate_context
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File "G:\Programming\Python Project\Speed Detection\YOLOv8-DeepSORT-Object-Tracking\ultralytics\yolo\engine\", line 189, in call
s += self.write_results(i, preds, (p, im, im0s))
File "G:\Programming\Python Project\Speed Detection\YOLOv8-DeepSORT-Object-Tracking\ultralytics\yolo\v8\detect\", line 326, in write_results
outputs = deepsort.update(xywhs, confss, oids, im0)
File "G:\Programming\Python Project\Speed Detection\YOLOv8-DeepSORT-Object-Tracking\ultralytics\yolo\v8\detect\deep_sort_pytorch\deep_sort\", line 39, in update
File "G:\Programming\Python Project\Speed Detection\YOLOv8-DeepSORT-Object-Tracking\ultralytics\yolo\v8\detect\deep_sort_pytorch\deep_sort\sort\", line 74, in update
File "G:\Programming\Python Project\Speed Detection\YOLOv8-DeepSORT-Object-Tracking\ultralytics\yolo\v8\detect\deep_sort_pytorch\deep_sort\sort\", line 130, in _match
File "G:\Programming\Python Project\Speed Detection\YOLOv8-DeepSORT-Object-Tracking\ultralytics\yolo\v8\detect\deep_sort_pytorch\deep_sort\sort\", line 56, in min_cost_matching
cost_matrix = distance_metric(
File "G:\Programming\Python Project\Speed Detection\YOLOv8-DeepSORT-Object-Tracking\ultralytics\yolo\v8\detect\deep_sort_pytorch\deep_sort\sort\", line 74, in iou_cost
if tracks[track_idx].time_since_update > 1:
IndexError: list index out of range
what do you suggest me to do?
and is there another way to do that without a thread?
I want to do that with an id for every video to save its detections with its video id
please help me with this error
thanks for your Time...