MrToph / eos-pay-for-user-cpu-example

This example shows how to use the EOSIO 1.8 ONLY_BILL_FIRST_AUTHORIZER feature to pay for users' CPU.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Expected object for. payforcpu

dev-sk-master opened this issue · comments

Thanks for publishing this example. I run into this issue.


  1. Setup nodejs and browser done
  2. Tried to sign via anchor

Also tried scatter and got this

Hi, the first issue is a known issue with Anchor in the recent version 1.1.x
It seems to have trouble handling action with no data arguments for some users.

Not sure about the Scatter error, are you using Ledger through Scatter?

Thanks for the quick response...Tried with dummy arguments on anchor and it worked.
Was using Scatter Desktop v11.0.1, without Ledger. Updated to latest scatter version 12.1.1 and now its not showing popup to sign.

the anchor bug has been fixed in 1.1.5.

I'll see if I can get it to work with Scatter

Thank you...waiting for ur feedback on scatter.

Scatter not responding to sign action
pushTransactionArgs = await this.activeWallet.eosApi.signatureProvider.sign(signArgs)


Setup nodejs and browser done
Tried to sign via scatter desktop v12.1.1