Mquinn960 / sign-language

Android application which uses feature extraction algorithms and machine learning (SVM) to recognise and translate static sign language gestures.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Can't find symbol variable 'raw'

JmKanmo opened this issue · comments , 273 line, 

    can not find raw symbol variable..

        InputStream is = getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.trained);

    Here, so  It doesn't work

I solved it. sorry,
Are u developing this source code now ??

Hello @JmKanmo !

Thank you for your interest in this project.

I am going to write up the readme for the project over this weekend, my apologies I was writing up a report based on this research which has taken all of my time.

In the meantime, to get started I suggest following my comments on this issue:


Where another user has had the same issue.

I am going to be refactoring the project for wider open source use over the next few months hopefully to get it in a more stable state. It is however still an experimental proof of concept.

Happy to discuss any further issues in the meantime!


Closing this issue as I will update the project README with details on how to get started.