Mquinn960 / sign-language

Android application which uses feature extraction algorithms and machine learning (SVM) to recognise and translate static sign language gestures.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Issue with gradle sync and dependencies

thakareabhi opened this issue · comments

"Gradle's dependency cache may be corrupt" I tried to re-download the dependencies but that didn't help

The Gradle sync worked but a new issue came up
Facing issue

error: cannot find symbol
InputStream is = getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.trained);
symbol: variable raw
location: class R

I tried with some available suggestions on StackOverflow
but they didn't work
Could you please help me with this


It sounds like you don't have a "trained.xml" available to the app - this is the pre-trained SVM model which will allow for detection of hand gestures.

This file is generated using my offline-trainer repository - have you followed my guide on how to do this?