Mquinn960 / sign-language

Android application which uses feature extraction algorithms and machine learning (SVM) to recognise and translate static sign language gestures.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Logo For Sign Language

bambi-bf opened this issue · comments

Hi @Mquinn960 , I'm a graphic designer, after I review your project, I'm interested in your project and I want to contribute by creating a logo/icon for your project. Don't worry about fees, it's free for you. What do you think?

Hello! Feel free to submit a PR - this project is still in development hence why the ReadMe is quite sparse

Hi @Mquinn960 , sorry late reply, I want to know what this app is? and how this app works, can you describe it? I need this to design the logo.

Hello there, apologies for the delay, this is a Sign Language Recognition mobile app using machine learning. As this is a degree program, any contributions to this project will be incorporated after the end of term in 2019.