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Not sure why compile sizes differ on MacOS and Windows

jbobrow opened this issue · comments

Are there dependencies that are different on a mac vs pc? Seems odd that some of our games in development can compile and upload from a pc but not from our macs. Would love to solve this so that we can be consistent about game size.

A great example right now is the game Pay Up. The team developing this game has it up and running great on their devices, but when we pull the master, it is too large for ours.

It is likely due to different versions of the avr-gcc compiler in the different Arduino versions.

First make sure both systems are using the same downloaded version of the Arduino IDE. If so, then they should be using the same version of the compiler... but not always. If they are not running the same version of the IDE, download the latest IDE version on both systems and see if the output size matches. If not then we need to check what version compiler each is using.

To find out what version of the compiler is running on each system, find out where your avr-gcc executable is by turning on verbose output in preferences...


...and then compile a sketch. Now look in the console window for a line that runs avr-gcc. Here is a line from my machine with the avr-gcc call highlighted...


Now open a command window in that directory and run avr-gcc with the --version (two dashes) argument. This is what it looks like on my windows machine...


So I am apparently running running 4.3.2.

I also just checked and the version that is included with the most recent Windows version 1.8.12 of the IDE is 7.3.0.

Report back what you find on your machines!

Screen Shot 2020-03-12 at 5 18 34 PM
Here's what I've got running on my machine

@ReluctantPirate Are you running the latest version 1.8.12 of the Arduino IDE?

Running Arduino 1.8.9 on MacOS 10.14.6
GCC version 5.4.0
Screen Shot 2020-03-13 at 10 56 59 AM

Hmm... According to the Release Notes, the last time they updated the gcc was to 5.4.0 on 2018.08.23, and yet my Windows install seems to be on 7.3.0. :/

Hmmm.... I guess I'll dig in on the Arduino stuff.. :/

There appear to be some issues with which tools get called by the IDE sometimes, and also it looks like there are specific issues with the OSX release that make it different that Windows and Linux (although the gcc does not seem to be explicitly part of that?).


Let's see if we can get the Windows and OSX systems on the same version of the AVR tools using the Boards Manager.

On both systems, go into the Boards Manager and find the AVR Boards entry (it is the first one on my dev machine).


Hopefully the current version on the OSX and Windows machines will be different. If so, then try to find the most recent version that is available on both machines and set them both to the same version and do update (or maybe install?).

Now try again to build the game that was not working on OSX. Hopefully at least the results will now be the same on both systems- even if same is that it does not work on either.

Report back with what you find!

Looks like 1.8.12 installed brings my gcc version up to 7.3.0.

In my boards manager the version I currently have selected is 1.8.2, looks like you have a newer option of 1.8.5... that doesn't seem to be available on MacOS.

The above are great instructions, we'll check w/ PayUp to ask them to follow these instructions with us.

Version of GCC is the culprit