Mottie / tablesorter

Github fork of Christian Bach's tablesorter plugin + awesomeness ~

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Last child getting removed when only one row is displayed.

diegodmendieta opened this issue · comments


The last child of a row is getting removed when only one row and one child is available.

I fixed this changing lastIndex to -1, so that when it runs through the first parent it will be set to 0:

if (!p.ajaxUrl) {
  var i,
    lastIndex = -1,
    //change from =0 to =-1
    c = table.config,
    rows = c.$tbodies.eq(0).children("tr"),
    l = rows.length,
    sz = p.size === "all" ? p.totalRows : p.size,
    s = * sz,
    e = s + sz,
    last = 0, // for cache indexing
    j = 0; // size counter
  p.cacheIndex = [];
  for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
    if (!p.regexFiltered.test(rows[i].className)) {
      if (j === s && rows[i].className.match(c.cssChildRow)) {
        // hide child rows @ start of pager (if already visible)
        rows[i].style.display = "none";
      } else {
        rows[i].style.display = j >= s && j < e ? "" : "none";
        if (last !== j && j >= s && j < e) {
          p.cacheIndex[p.cacheIndex.length] = i;
          last = j;
        // don't count child rows
        j +=
            c.cssChildRow + "|" + c.selectorRemove.slice(1)
          ) && !p.countChildRows
            ? 0
            : 1;
        if (
          j === e &&
          rows[i].style.display !== "none" &&
        ) {
          lastIndex = i;
  // add any attached child rows to last row of pager. Fixes part of issue #396
  if (lastIndex >= 0 && rows[lastIndex].className.match(ts.css.cssHasChild)) {
    while (++lastIndex < l && rows[lastIndex].className.match(c.cssChildRow)) {
      rows[lastIndex].style.display = "";

Hi @diegodmendieta!

Sorry for the delay! This is probably related to the issue brought up in #1714. I'll get this fixed in the latest version.

New release is available.

I actually ended up changing last = -1. Please let me know if that doesn't work as expected.