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solitudechn opened this issue · comments

仅仅反馈你所遇到的一个使用问题,多个请重新提交另外的 issue。Only give feedback on one usage problem you encountered, please resubmit another issue.

在你反馈此问题前请注意:Please note before you respond to this question:

  • 详细阅读椒盐音乐帮助内容(应用设置-帮助)。Read more about the SaltPlayer help content (app Settings - Help).
  • 尝试在仓库 issue 搜索你要反馈的问题,避免重复反馈。Try to search for your feedback in the warehouse issue to avoid repeated feedback.

反馈时候请注意:When giving feedback, please note:

  • 尽量详细的描述问题。Describe the problem as detailed as possible.
  • 提供出现此问题的椒盐音乐版本号。Provide the version number of SaltPlayer where this problem occurred.
  • 建议提供机型、系统版本。You are advised to provide the model and system version.

基本信息 The basic information

软件版本 Software version:8.17.0-beta02(2023103001
系统版本 System version:android 14

反馈内容 Content of the feedback





import os
import re
import shutil

def parse_lrc_file(file_path):
    with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
        lines = file.readlines()

    parsed_lines = []
    for line in lines:
        matches = re.findall(r'\[\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{2}\]', line)
        if matches:
            for match in matches:
                line = line.replace(match, '')
            for match in matches:
                parsed_lines.append((match, line.strip()))

    return parsed_lines

def write_lrc_file(file_path, parsed_lines):
    with open(file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
        for time, line in parsed_lines:

def main():
    lrc_dir = './lrc_files/'  # .lrc文件的目录
    old_lrc_dir = './old_lrc/'  # 保存原始.lrc文件的目录
    new_lrc_dir = './new_lrc/'  # 保存修改后的.lrc文件的目录

    # 创建目录,如果它们不存在
    os.makedirs(old_lrc_dir, exist_ok=True)
    os.makedirs(new_lrc_dir, exist_ok=True)

    lrc_files = [file_name for file_name in os.listdir(lrc_dir) if file_name.endswith('.lrc')]
    total_files = len(lrc_files)
    print(f'Total .lrc files: {total_files}')

    for i, file_name in enumerate(lrc_files, start=1):
        file_path = os.path.join(lrc_dir, file_name)
        parsed_lines = parse_lrc_file(file_path)

        # 如果.lrc文件包含多个时间戳,就复制它到old_lrc_dir,并将修改后的文件保存到new_lrc_dir
        if any(len(line) > 1 for line in parsed_lines):
            shutil.copy(file_path, os.path.join(old_lrc_dir, file_name))
            write_lrc_file(os.path.join(new_lrc_dir, file_name), parsed_lines)
            print(f'Processed {file_name} ({i}/{total_files})')

if __name__ == '__main__':