MontaEllis / deepFashion3D

3D Real Garment Dataset

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


2020-8-24 Deep Fashion3D is released with garment models. Feature line annotations and garment pose annotations will be released soon.


Please fill the form to get password for unzipping the compressed file.

Google Drive: [Google Drive]
Baiduyun Drive: [Baidu Drive], Password:df3d

Data Organization

Deep Fashion3D dataset follows the below structure:

|--- 1---1-1.ply # 1-1 indicates the first pose of garment #1
|    |---1-2.ply # high resolution GT point cloud
|--- 2---2-1.ply
|    ....
|--- cloth_type_list.txt # clothes and types

| --- 1 --- 1-1---1-1.dat # garment pose parameters
|     |       |--- feature lines         
|     |            |--- 1-1-1.ply # feature line annotations
|     |            |--- 1-1-2.ply
|     |            |--- ...
|     | --- 1-2
| --- 2
| --- ...

Upper body clothes in Deep Fashion3D contains following types of annotations:

  • 1 : Neck line
  • 2 : Left shoulder line
  • 3 : Left elbow line
  • 4 : Left wrist line
  • 7 : Right shoulder line
  • 8 : Right elbow line
  • 9 : Right wrist line
  • 10: Waist line
  • 11: Hemline

Lower body clothes in Deep Fashion3D contains following types of annotations

  • 1 : Waist Line
  • 2 : Left Knee
  • 3 : Left Ankle
  • 4 : Right Knee
  • 5 : Right Ankle
  • 6 : Hemline


If you use Deep Fashion3D in your work, please consider citing our paper!

    title={Deep Fashion3D: A Dataset and Benchmark for 3D Garment Reconstruction from Single Images},
    author={Heming Zhu and Yu Cao and Hang Jin and Weikai Chen and Dong Du and Zhangye Wang and Shuguang Cui and Xiaoguang Han},


3D Real Garment Dataset