MondayMorningHaskell / haskellings

An automated tutorial to teach you about Haskell!

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`generated_files` ... directory not found on second run of exercise.

vertexcite opened this issue · comments

(On MacOS 11.2.x)
Using watch, if tests run, then file modified, the automatic rerun fails as follows:

$ stack exec -- haskellings watch
Successfully compiled : Expressions.hs
Successfully compiled : Types1.hs
Successfully compiled : Types2.hs
Successfully compiled : Types3.hs
Successfully compiled : Types4.hs
Successfully compiled : Types5.hs
Successfully compiled : Functions1.hs
Successfully ran : Functions1.hs
This exercise succeeds! Remove 'I AM NOT DONE' to proceed!

Functions1.hs modified and saved, and then:

Running exercise: Functions1
Successfully compiled : Functions1.hs
Tests failed on exercise : Functions1.hs
/bin/sh: /Users/[my-user-name]/Documents/develop/haskellings/generated_files/functions/Functions1: No such file or directory

(Actual output edited for above log, [my-user-name] is my actual user name.)
Same happens if you quit watch mode and run it directly:

$ stack exec -- haskellings run Functions1
Successfully compiled : Functions1.hs
Tests failed on exercise : Functions1.hs
/bin/sh: /Users/[my-user-name]/Documents/develop/haskellings/generated_files/functions/Functions1: No such file or directory

Revision info:

git log | head -5
commit f3bd41422782546058168a791b79ff42e26e7710
Author: Functional Fox <>
Date:   Sun Mar 28 20:54:06 2021 +0200

    Use 2-tuple instead of 3-tuple in exercise (#36)

Dah I'm running into this every so often myself. Seems somewhat non-deterministic. Every so often the compilation won't properly produce the executable. Not sure why yet.

@vertexcite As I'm checking this again, I'm seeing some odd behavior so I want to confirm that you see the same thing. Can you try running these steps?

  1. Confirm that this error is recurring by running haskellings run Functions1
  2. Comment out this line, which removes the generated compile directory:
  3. Re-compile: stack install
  4. Try running haskellings run Functions1 again and see if the error occurs again.
  5. You should be able to now look at the directory generated_files/exercises. What files are present there?
  6. Try running haskellings run Functions1 again (yes, third time) without any modifications. Does it work now?

Should be fixed by #44. I was unable to reproduce the issue after upgrading to GHC 8.10.4. Feel free to re-open this issue if this persists on the new master.