MohammadBnei / go-ai-cli

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Decouple UI Rendering and Event Handling from Business Logic in chat.go

MohammadBnei opened this issue · comments

Description: The chat.go file currently intertwines UI rendering, event handling, and business logic, making it challenging to maintain and
extend. To improve modularity and maintainability, we propose separating these concerns into distinct layers or components.

Acceptance Criteria:

• Business logic operations (e.g., message processing, context management) are extracted into a separate package or set of services.
• UI rendering and event handling are kept within the  chat  package but are clearly separated from business logic.
• Existing functionality is preserved, ensuring that all unit and integration tests pass.

Implementation Suggestions:

• Create a new package named  chatlogic  or similar, and move business logic functions from  chat.go  into this package.
• Define interfaces for interacting with the new business logic layer, and use dependency injection to integrate it back into the UI layer.
• Refactor event handling in  chat.go  to delegate business logic operations to the new layer.