ModelInference / texada

Efficient techniques for mining LTL formulae over linear input traces

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Create a script to extract documented property types in the repo into a json file

bestchai opened this issue · comments

The top-level property-types/ dir contains numerous property types that we've collected from prior spec miners and other sources. This dir structure is great for curating the property types, but it is hard to re-use the property types in a programmatic fashion.

To resolve this issue we need a python or a bash script that explores the repository structure/README files and collects existing property types into a .json file that can then be used in the web server/client to present property type options to users. Perhaps there will be other uses in the future, so the script should run independently of the web server/client code.

The script should run with two args:

  • Path to property-types/ dir (e.g., TEXADA_HOME)
  • Path to filename where extracted property type information should be written

The json file should include a record for each property type. At the very least the each property type needs an LTL expression, and a descriptive English name.

The resulting .json file can be used to replace the hardcoded property types that are currently present in the web client code.

[Issue created by bestchai: 2016-01-12]