Mixd / wp-deploy

Capistrano powered WordPress deployment.

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waynetheisinger opened this issue · comments


I would like to give my users the ability to install plugins from the "Add New" button in the interface.. but still source control the plugins...

Therefore I need a wp:plugins:pull feature that works in a similar way to the wp:uploads:pull

I don't mind building this myself and will then do a pull request... but I just wondered why it doesn't exist... is there some implementation issue that I'm unaware of that stops one simply rsyncing the folder?

Hey @waynetheisinger this would require the user to essentially have write privileges to the plugins folder, because of the public nature of this, you could leave your website exposed. In addition, in order for the plugins to be source controlled you would need a way for this to then be added to Git through a web hook of some sort.

This seems very custom to your personal needs and not something the vast majority of people using wp-deploy would require/want.


This could be done pretty straight forward. If the web server has the correct settings, the plugins could be added automatically on production. Pulling those plugins down into development could be handy. Adding could be then done locally with git add to source these or to toss them using git checkout after one has pulled them down. However deployment would still replace anything on production.


Another idea is to work with wp plugin. One could write a rake task that looks at production installed plugins with e.g. wp plugin list --status=active --format=json and exports this list locally and then installs these plugins locally into the development plugins folder for sourcing.

Hello, unfortunately this is outside of the scope of this application and should be managed by your version control.