MisterJames / GenFu

GenFu is a library you can use to generate realistic test data. It is composed of several property fillers that can populate commonly named properties through reflection using an internal database of values or randomly created data. You can override any of the fillers, give GenFu hints on how to fill them.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Strings are empty in 1.2.0

EdCharbeneau opened this issue · comments

I think there is an issue with the NuGet package for 1.2.0 where the Resource are not included in the package, this results in an empty string for all string values.

A.New().FirstName //=> ""
A.New().LastName //=> ""
A.New().Age //=> 35

@EdCharbeneau I think I got it.

Thanks for notifying us!

Still don't got it...don't understand what is different about running locally vs. installed from NuGet...

Fixed by PR #115

Note: Version number on the NuGet package for this fix is 1.4.4 however, GenFu.csproj still shows 1.3.3