Miserlou / SoundScrape

SoundCloud (and Bandcamp and Mixcloud) downloader in Python.

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Mixcloud - list index out of range

festerdublin opened this issue · comments

I know its not offically supported.. however thought I would report it anyway.. Tried a few locations.. all hitting the same index out of range

C:\Python27\Scripts>soundscrape.exe https://www.mixcloud.com/SisterBlissOfficial/sister-bliss-in-session-27-10-15/
Active code page: 65001
Problem downloading https://www.mixcloud.com/SisterBlissOfficial/sister-bliss-in-session-27-10-15/
list index out of range

Did a little bit of research on this, it seems that mixcloud has changed its html structure, "m-preview" no more exists and hence the error.


Confirming - I have the same problem:
soundscrape https://www.mixcloud.com/corenewsuploads/flume-essential-mix-2015-10-03/ -of
Problem downloading https://www.mixcloud.com/corenewsuploads/flume-essential-mix-2015-10-03/
list index out of range

list index out of range

same issue as well..

Same here, has attempt to fix this been abandoned?

It seems that it still hasn't been solved

FFMpeg By slicing

MixCloud support was entirely experimental. Prior to starting on PR #241, it was entirely broken, so support for MixCloud was pulled. Adding support back for MixCloud is a large undertaking.

@SimplicityGuy do you have a rough estimate of the level of effort required to bring MixCloud support back from the grave? If it's a semi-manageable amount of work, I'd be happy to give it a shot.

Edit: in case others are curious, there's some helpful detail in the commit message here: 75700a5