Mirv / g_module

Template for greeting messages

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Rationalization of the tech stack choices

Mirv opened this issue · comments


Rationalization ...

The greeting message should probably be a set of modular classes to allow division of the separate duties.

The sending a text string as output seems like the simplest thing at this point.

This string could also be held in a JSON response with guest ID / room ID / unique message ID held there too for use by the client application or further assembled into html links before delivered by text.  Which would allow easy feedback from end users. 

While the message is likely either a string or json held string deliverable the work load on it doesn't have to be front facing setup, but can we handled as a service object which produces the message that is consumed by a twillo like text service or shot off across an internet protocol. The similarity in scripting makes python or ruby good candidates from my language selection.

From that set of choices, a lightweight ruby script sounds good. It can be wrapped easily.