Mirv / arma3projectmanagement

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

original break down

Mirv opened this issue · comments


Steps I'm working

  • mysql workbench & perm db service going
  • working extdb3 in eden / debug from play senario
  • dedicated arma3server setup process & params
  • extdb3 works with arma3server dedicated on my test machine
  • create table to hold username / steam uid
  • serverInit SQF file needs to call checks for if mod > extension > db > all working/auth'd/etc
  • also needs check for table in question existing before insert - maybe in that script file & not init?
  • sql query to get extdb3 working to insert username / steam uid to mysql via extdb3
  • perhaps examine some of the python SQF proofer's or linq/c++ tools used by the Anti dev team

Checkpoint: test on hosting service

  • adjust db pwd file
  • drop the dll's in root folder
  • basic schema steamuid/playername/k/d/a for now
  • find the arma3 hook for the k/d/a scoreboard stuff if going lazy route
  • figure out even hook object hierarchy so we don't need to hard patch into every mission type out there
  • write an insert query to send that information

Checkpoint: wrap it in an official mod

  • look up steps to do so
  • read on mod security
  • run sqf profiler
  • hit the publish mod button

Checkpoint: ready for some visible results to the real world

  • copy logs from sql db & host as a static html file
  • decide if php / rails / nodejs is the webserver
  • figure out if the hosthavoc is seemless or treats game into web services as their own security concerns
  • learn circle ci - since I guess we have it??
  • check back with visual team for anything they came up with