MiroM73 / Methods

Exercises from book "Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#" Exercise 9: Methods

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Exercises from book "Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#" Exercise 9: Methods

  1. Write a code that by given name prints on the console "Hello, !" Example: "Hello, Peter!".

  2. Create a method GetMax() with two integer(int) parameters, that returns maximal of the two numbers.Write a program that reads three numbers from the console and prints the biggest of them. Use the GetMax() method you just created. Write a test program that validates that the methods works correctly.

  3. Write a method that returns the English name of the last digit of a given number.
    Example: for 512 prints "two"; for 1024 -> "four".

  4. Write a method that finds how many times certain number can be found in a given array. Write a program to test that the method works correctly.

  5. Write a method that checks whether an element, from a certain position in an array is greater than its two neighbors. Test whether the method works correctly.

  6. Write a method that returns the position of the first occurrence of an element from an array, such that it is greater than its two neighbors simultaneously. Otherwise the result must be -1.

  7. Write a method that prints the digits of a given decimal number in a reversed order.
    Example: 256, must be printed as 652.

  8. Write a method that calculates the sum of two very long positive integer numbers. The numbers are represented as array digits and the last digit(the ones) is stored in the array at index 0. Make the method work for all numbers with length up to 10 000 digits.

  9. Write a method that finds the biggest element of an array. Use that method to implement sorting in descending order.

  10. Write a program that calculates and prints the n! for any n in the range [1 … 100].

  11. Write a program that solves the following tasks:

  • Put the digits from an integer number into a reversed order.

  • Calculate the average of given sequence of numbers.

  • Solve the linear equation a * x + b = 0.

    Create appropriate methods for each of the above tasks. Make the program show a text menu to the user. By choosing an option of that menu, the user will be able to choose which task to be invoked. Perform validation of the input data:

  • The integer number must be a positive in the range [1 … 50 000 000].

  • The sequence of numbers cannot be empty.

  • The coefficient a must be non - zero.

  1. Write a method that calculates the sum of two polynomials with integer coefficients.
    Example: (3x^2 + x - 3) + (x - 1) = (3x^2 + 2x - 4).

  2. * Write a method that calculates the product of two polynomials with integer coefficients.
    Example: (3x^2 + x - 3) * (x - 1) = (3x^3 - 2x^2 - 4x + 3).


Exercises from book "Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#" Exercise 9: Methods


Language:C# 100.0%