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A complete LAMP and LNMP setup script for Debian or Ubuntu

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MariaDB Option

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MariaDB is gaining a bit of steam and it'd be great to have the option of installing that rather than MySQL.

MariaDB does seem like a very compelling alternative, with distros like Fedora already planning to switch to it.

The MariaDB packages are not yet included in Debian or Ubuntu repositories so it'll have to be installed from the official MariaDB repo. I'll give it a shot over the weekend, it should be compatible with the rest of the script.

The option to install MariaDB has been added to options.conf.

Would be great if you can test this one out and see if it works on your setup.

Just tried it on a VPS and it works great.

Noticed a couple of changes that you're no longer prompted for Admin DB password during install so it takes it from options.conf and when generating SSL certs it skips any chance to input State, Country, etc. But I skipped them any way before.

Not sure if they're intentional changes but I thought I'd let you know.

Great work and I'm now using MariaDB 👍

Cheers 👍

This is great addition to Tuxlite. Thank you!

Thanks for testing! You're right that the installation is now fully automated.

No problemo!

When I tried installing MariaDB on a 256MB OpenVZ VPS running Ubuntu 12.10 the other day, it failed to start MariaDB with bunch of errors in the install script. Since I was tired, did not care much and went ahead with Ubuntu 12.04 + Tuxlite 2.0 (MySQL only version) that worked like charm. Wondering if there are any incompatibilities with the my.conf created or something like that? Will try to retest it as I get time this week.

I've only tested the new option on Debian 6 and Ubuntu 12.04, so it's plausible that there are compatibility issues with Ubuntu 12.10.

Would be useful if you can paste some of the errors when you do the test again.