MillmanY / MMPlayerView

Custom AVPlayerLayer on view and transition player with good effect like youtube and facebook

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Pause/ Mute when Switching Tabs

iPhonig opened this issue · comments

I've implemented this similarly to the example project, however, when I switch tabs on the tab bar I would like the video to pause/ mute. I have attempted the following, with no luck. Any ideas?

func pauseVideos(){ mmPlayerLayer.player?.pause() mmPlayerLayer.player?.isMuted = true }

I've added the pause function in override func viewDidDisappear(_ animated: Bool) and also in override func tabBar(_ tabBar: UITabBar, didSelect item: UITabBarItem)

i'm facing the same issue. I call mmPlayerLayer.player?.pause() when viewWillDisapear but the video still playing.
Any idea?