MillmanY / MMPlayerView

Custom AVPlayerLayer on view and transition player with good effect like youtube and facebook

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Crashing application when build on iOS 13

fuadwaheed opened this issue · comments

Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSRangeException', reason: 'Cannot remove an observer <_NSKeyValueObservation 0x600001555230> for the key path "videoRect" from <MMPlayerView.MMPlayerLayer 0x7fc0d3eabe30> because it is not registered as an observer.'

I am facing this issue after i build the application on iOS 13. i tried on iOS 12 and it works fine, what i can do to remove this error. This error occurs when i pop the view in which mmplayer has been implemented.

Which lib version are you use?

I am using 5.0.8

Try to update to 5.1.3