Milad-Akarie / auto_route_library

Flutter route generator

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How can I listen to change from: Stack Route A => Stack Route B (Children: [Tab Route C (initial)])

hieubui2409 opened this issue · comments

@Milad-Akarie I have router setup like that:

  • Stack Route A
  • Stack Route B
    --> Tab Route C (initial)
    --> Tab Route D
    I'm currently using AutoRouteAwareStateMixin in Tab Route C but when I push from Stack Route A to Stack Route B (which actual redirect to initial Tab Route C), none of didInitTabRoute, didChangeTabRoute, didPush fired. Can you help me with this usecase.

@hieubui2409 didInitTabRoute and didChangeTabRoute must be implemented in the root-tab widget it won't react to it's children.
not sure what your usecase is but eventually you could just listen to tabsRouter changes and check which index/route is active anywhere in it's subtree.

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