Milad-Akarie / auto_route_library

Flutter route generator

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Reload tab routes

filippomenchini opened this issue · comments

First of all, congrats for this library. One of the best ones available, I really like it!

I'm trying to create this behaviour:
if a user taps on a bottombar item two times, the page needs to be reloaded.

I was experimenting with AutoRouteObserver, but I can observe only when the selected page changes.
Is there a way to observe when a user taps a button on the bottombar?

Yes, i also need this

@filippomenchini I understand your requirement but I don't think it has to do with routing.
anyways tabsRouter will only be notified when the active route changes so I don't think there's a straight way to do this, but you can use something like a refresh notifier I guess.

final refreshNotifier = ValueNotifier<int?>(null);
onTap: (index){
  // if tab already active set refreshNotifier
   if(index == tabsRouter.activeIndex){
      refreshNotifier.value = index;

inside of your tabs

     if(refreshNotifier.value == THIS_TAB_INDEX){

Hi @Milad-Akarie Thanks for answering!
Actually, yesterday I ended up using the same solution that you came up with.

Thanks again for your help!