Milad-Akarie / auto_route_library

Flutter route generator

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Looking for an example to show the loading indicator between the routes

dineshkumar02 opened this issue · comments

I have been using this library from last couple of months, and it's working good.

I am currently looking for a loading indicator, which I would like to show during the different routes.
I don't find any working example for this, and requesting to suggest or point me to the right location.


@dineshkumar02 are you talking about showing indicator when a guard is in progress?

@Milad-Akarie , I am not using any gaurds in the code.

Whenever I do, context.router.push( Routing Page) expecting some kind of loading indicator.
Would you share any reference code for this please

@dineshkumar02 are you talking about showing indicator when a guard is in progress?

I am looking for this. Is there an example for this @Milad-Akarie?

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