Milad-Akarie / auto_route_library

Flutter route generator

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Can't cast `RouteMatch` to its proper Type in `AutoRedirectGuard`

hasanmhallak opened this issue · comments


class LanguageRouteGuard extends AutoRedirectGuard {
  final LanguageNotifier _languageNotifier;

  Future<bool> canNavigate(RouteMatch route) async {
    return true;

  void onNavigation(NavigationResolver resolver, StackRouter router) {
    // here.
   final routeMatch = resolver.route  as RouteMatch<ChooseLanguageRouteArgs> 
    if (routeMatch.args != null && routeMatch.args.skipRouteGuard) return;

    if (_languageNotifier.isLanguageSelected()) {;
    } else {;

this will throw: Unhandled Exception: type RouteMatch<\dynamic> is not a subtype of type RouteMatch<\ChooseLanguageRouteArgs> in type cast.

but if I remove the casting I can access the ChooseLanguageRouteArgs but without a type safty.

@hasanmhallak it's not save to cast the routeMatch like this, why don't cast only the args instead?

@Milad-Akarie silly me, I was so concentrated I didn't even thought if this.
thank you, I'm closing this now.