Milad-Akarie / auto_route_library

Flutter route generator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Back button or pop does not remove my route from the stack

neckaros opened this issue · comments

When i go back (hardware button) the route remain in the tree even if no longer visible


  replaceInRouteName: 'Page,Route',
  routes: <AutoRoute>[
    AutoRoute(path: '/login', page: LoginPage, initial: true),
      path: '',
      page: SelectServerPage,
      guards: [AuthGuard],
      path: 'server/:serverId',
      page: ServerPage,
      guards: [AuthGuard],
      children: [
          path: '',
          initial: true,
          page: LibrarySelectPage,
          path: 'library/:libraryId',
          page: LibraryPage,
          guards: [AuthGuard],
          children: [
              path: 'dashboard',
              initial: true,
              page: ShowDashboardPage,
class $AppRouter {}

once logged i'm routed to the SelectServerPage.
When i select a server i am redirected to ServerPage which initiate a riverpod provider with the server matching the serverId and display AutoRouter() once it's ready
This works well and i see my LibrarySelectPage.

the issue is that if i go back from here i correctly see the SelectServerPage, but the LibrarySelectPage remains in the tree (i see it in the Widget inspector and when i click the ok --TV emulator-- button it activate the focused item in the LibrarySelectPage)

I expect page poped to no longer be in the Tree. I'm i wrong?

@neckaros any idea how I can reproduce this?

@neckaros any idea how I can reproduce this?

Yes sorry this issue is not really helpful like this.

From my tests it comes from the use of nested router. I will try to do a minimal repo to reproduce.

As a workaround I don't use nested route anymore but I have to verify that my riverpod are initialized on every page

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