MikletNg / aws-ec2-integrated-vpn-server

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AWS EC2 Integrated VPN Server

This Cloudformation stack will run a EC2 instance which use Docker to contain Shadowsocks, kcptun, PPTP and L2TP/IPsec server.

  • Shadowsocks & kcptun - mritd/shadowsocks
    • Shadowsocks is used to break through the* Great Fire Wall (GFW)* to view blocked, obscured or disturbed content.
    • kcptun is used to improving the throughput and latency between the connection of Shadowsocks client and server.
  • L2TP/IPsec - hwdsl2/ipsec-vpn-server
  • PPTP - mobtitude/vpn-pptp

Express Deployment - Windows 10

  1. Create a user in IAM with Administrator policy (Programmatic access Only) Video Tutorial !!!!! Please mark down your Access Key Pair !!!!!
  2. Run Powershell as Administrator
  3. Copy the following command and run in Powershell.
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://bitbucket.org/iAmJustALittleITDog/aws-ec2-integrated-vpn-server/raw/4647fe7eb6b98549100c938f30c0513a220601de/express-deploy.ps1'))

Advanced Deployment - Bash

  1. Install AWS CLI
  2. Create a user in IAM with Admin policy
  3. Configure AWS CLI Credential
  4. Run the following command in terminal
git clone https://github.com/MikletNg/aws-ec2-integrated-vpn-server
cd aws-ec2-integrated-vpn-server
make deploy -s \
  1. After deployment, go to Cloudformation consle. And check the stack output for the Shadowsocks server URL and the IKEv2 server configuration file.

Advanced Undeployment - Bash

make undeploy -is

Parameters in Makefile

    • The password use to connect to VPN
    • The port number use by Shadowsocks
    • The port number used by kcptun
    • Name of the Cloudformation stack
    • Instance type of EC2, must be t2 or t3. (Hong Kong Region do not provide t2 instance)
    • AWS region to deploy



Language:PowerShell 57.2%Language:Makefile 42.8%