MikeOrtiz / TouchImageView

Adds touch functionality to Android ImageView.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

JCenter shutdown - plans to upload to Maven central?

BillyLuisNeedham opened this issue · comments

We love your library! However, AppCenter is no longer supporting jCenter for gradle packages (see: https://blog.gradle.org/jcenter-shutdown)).

Are there any plans to upload to Maven central?


I've nothing against it, but I only easy to use jitpack.io so I will do nothing.
Feel free to make create a pull request, but the handling of credentials is not that easy, because I can't access settings tab.

If you want it, please make a pull request

@hannesa2 so you're saying you have push access but can't access the settings tabs? Is @MikeOrtiz still around to enter the credentials and apply for a group id?

I do only the tasks to keep this repository alive and I was not granted to access to settings tab.
All other is out of my control.

Since a long time ago, the owner is no more active and never had in mind of a relay race to keep it alive over long time. eg with a second maintainer who can access settings
