MikaelSlevinsky / FastTransforms

:bullettrain_front: Fast orthogonal polynomial transforms :surfer:

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Inconsistency with FastTransforms.jl

dlfivefifty opened this issue · comments

n = 600
    S = KoornwinderTriangle(0.0,-0.5,-0.5)
    ff = (xy) -> P(18,8,0.,-0.5,-0.5,xy...)
    p = points(S,n)
    v = ff.(p)
    PP = plan_transform(S,v)
    v̂ = PP.duffyplan*v
    F = tridevec_trans(v̂)
    F̌ = FastTransforms.cheb2tri(F,0.,-0.5,-0.5)
    F̌₂ = PP.tri2cheb \ F
    norm(F̌ - F̌₂)
F̃ = copy(F)

This can be distilled to an error using execute_tri_hi2lo_AVX512 with an odd number of columns.