MicrosoftLearning / PL-100-Microsoft-Power-Platform-App-Maker

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General List/Error Log for entire Lab

DanielMcKinney-LODS opened this issue · comments

Module 0:

-Exercise 1, Task 1, Step 2: No Context given. "start free" item is absent.
-Exercise 2, Task 1, Step 2(5): Trial environment is unable to be created, due to the user licenses.

In the same exercise/task/step the database URL input is required before saving. There is not enough storage (1GB) allocated to the user to warrant a new database. To bypass the issues in Exercise 2, a person MS account was used to create a new environment (used in subsequent labs).

Lab 02:

-Exercise 2, Task 1, Step 2, and 5: Terminology update - Entity is now table.
-Exercise 2, Task 2, Step 4, 7, and 9: Terminology update - Field is now column.
-Exercise 3, Task 1, step 16: Terminology update - Field is now column.

-Exercise 3, Task 2, Step 2: The buttonhas been changed to "+ view column".
-Exercise 5, Task 1, Step 22: Image is absent from device.
-Exercise 6, Task 2, Step 11: Save button is disabled due to the below error:

Exercise 6, tasks 2, and 3 aborted due to this error

Lab 03:

-Exercise 1, Task 1, Step 7: Import should be completed before publishing customizations.
-Exercise 1, Task 1, Step 11: The application can be accessed via clicking on it in the imported solution. This was used since the "Lamna Healthcare Shared Components" app was found in the app's section.
-Exercise 3, Task 1, Step 1: This task is unrelated. It should read: select the gallery previously made - not make a new gallery.

Lab 04:

-Exercise 1, Task 1, Step 4: Fields has been changed to columns in a new MS update.
-Exercise 1, Task 1, Step 6: Entity has been changed to table in a new MS update.
-Exercise 1, Task 2, Step 20: Resolution error message is absent. See below screenshot. Status reason must be changed to complete for this message to show:

Lab 05:

-Exercise 2, Task 1, Step 4: Field has been renamed to columns.
-Exercise 2, Task 1, Step 6: Entity has been renamed to table.
-Exercise 2, Task 1, Step 10: "Assign to" field is absent, however "assign" is not.
-Exercise 2, Task 3, Step 3: Typo on the word "one".
-Exercise 3, Task 2, Step 1: Where is this supposed to start from? Additional specific instructions are needed.
-Exercise 3, Task 1, Step 26: This step is confusing. The location of the instructions is absent.
-Exercise 3, Task 2, Step 29: Flow needs to be saved after editing.

Lab 06:

-Exercise 2, Task 1, Step 8: Instructions are confusing, and could use some clarification.
-Exercise 2, Task 1, Step 10(3): User interface does not match the screen shots provided via instructions:

-Exercise 3, Task 2, Step 3: "Pin a live page" button is absent.
-Exercise 3, Task 4, Step 2: Instructions are unclear, and need further clarification.
-Exercise 3, Task 4, Step 2: Generate QR code is under the "share" tab now.

Lab 07:

-Exercise 1, Task 1, Step 11: This step is confusing. A screenshot should be added.
-Exercise 2, Task 1, Step 2: The user should be told Company 311 solutions should be selected before selecting solution checker.
-Exercise 2, Task 1, Step 5: 1 Issue found:

-Exercise 3, Task 1, Step 23: Test does not play back. Instead, the play screen was just frozen. Clicking the done button made it go back to the test screen.
-Exercise 4, Task 2, Step 1,2,3,4,5, and 6: For reasons outlined in Module 0, New environments cannot be made. Thus, the remaining steps will be carried out in the premade practice environment.
-Exercise 2, Task 1, Step 10: The premade practice environment returns an error (seen below) since the company 311 solutions is already  present:

Company 311 solution was deleted and then reimported using the previosuly exported files in order to test subsequent lab steps.

Hello Team:

Is there an update on this issue please? Thank you.

I may have a solution for the first reported issue here. If you go and sign-up for a powerapps trial:

You can then create then environment as instructed in exercise 2:

Issue figured out for my reply here, please disregard my reply as Start does work.

I am closing this since we just updated the lab on Sept 17th, 2021