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[Regex] Handling escape characters

PrashanthCorp opened this issue · comments

Our handling of escape(d) characters needs some love. This issue will catalog the use-cases that don't work. Please add any issue with regex or escaping characters under this issue.

  1. db.heroes.find({s: /a\/}) - Fine
    db.heroes.find({s: /a\/}) //comment - Error

  2. db.coll.insert({s: "a\\b"}) - inserts a document "a\\\\b"

Some use-cases not working

  1. regex fail{
   "valid_date": {
      "type": "string",
       "description": "A date time, format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS",
       "pattern": "([12]\\d{3}-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[12]\\d|3[01]))T(2[0-3]|[01][0-9]):[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]"


    "_id" : ObjectId("5c188e72ee87464108fdf112"), 
    "valid_date" : {
        "type" : "string", 
        "description" : "A date time, incoming format is YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS", 
        "pattern" : "([12]\\\\d{3}-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[12]\\\\d|3[01]))T(2[0-3]|[01][0-9]):[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]"
  1. Escaped quotes in a string{
    "my-string": "quoted text in a string \"some quoted text\" should be good",


    "_id" : ObjectId("5c188f98ee87464108fdf113"), 
    "my-string" : "quoted text in a string \\\"some quoted text\\\" should be good"

@codermrrob Thanks for letting us know. How important is this fix?

Both these issues hit us a lot. So much that the extension is not practically usable in our development team, which is disappointing because we love vscode and use it for building out & editing the json objects we want to store and query, so this extension should be a natural fit. Unfortunately not because of the amount of json schema we use - so we hit the regex issue a lot.

I guess will be the same for anyone who is storing json schema objects/regex expression.

FYI, The database we are using is MongoDB.Atlas and the output from the inserted object was queried and copied from the tree view in Studio3T.

And I notice the string example I posted was incorrect. The inserted object should be:

    "_id" : ObjectId("5c188f98ee87464108fdf113"), 
    "my-string" : "quoted text in a string \\"some quoted text\\" should be good"

(one less '\')

This issue has become stale and is at risk of being closed. The community has 60 days to upvote the issue. If it receives 5 upvotes we will keep it open and take another look. If not, we will close it. To learn more about how we handle issues, please see our documentation.

Happy Coding!

🙁 In the last 60 days, this issue has received less than 5 community upvotes and we closed it. Still a big Thank You to you for taking the time to create it! To learn more about how we handle issues, please see our documentation.

Happy Coding!