microsoft / vscode-azurecli

VS Code extension for the Azure CLI 2.0

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

No completions on az webapp create --plan

chrisdias opened this issue · comments

macos, insiders latest

create a new app service plan (actually run the commands):

az login
az account list -o table
az group create --name testazcli-rg --location westus
az appservice plan create --name testazcli-name --resource-group testazcli-rg --location westus --sku FREE 

Now try to get IntelliSense on the --plan:

az webapp create --name cdias-testazcli-site --plan 

result: no completions:


Works for me. Is there anything in the console?

This cleared after upgrading az, if I remember correctly. I have also improved error handling for when the Python scripts crashes.