MichielDerhaeg / build-linux

A short tutorial about building Linux based operating systems.

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README mentions startup script, but it seems to be rcS

noteed opened this issue · comments


The README file mentions a startup script, but it seems to be actually called rcS in the repository.

I'm aware, the repository does not necessary coincide entirely with the README.md, everything else in the repo just serves as example. rcS is the default name the busybox init uses. startup is more clear when used in the explanation. You think i should change one of the two names?

Reading the README by itself is fine and is a nice tutorial. But really following it and checking how it is done in the repo, or reading the repo and using the README as a documentation both make sense to me.

So yes, I think you should make the two names the same, and even make the README link into the repo, e.g. mention the filesystem/build.sh when you talk about "putting everything in place".

B.t.w. you may be interested by the first four bullet points there: https://gist.github.com/noteed/f39f0df2bb2daf626946d234a5489b55#os

That's interesting, I'll look into it when I have some free time.
To address the first two points. I intentionally didn't use initramfs because it lacks persistence, however I do want to write something about that and the problems it usually tries to solve. And yes I did 'steal' build.sh from the Arch Linux filesystem package. I think I should clean that up and do it in a more similar way like in the readme.

On a unrelated note, it seems that you are trying to build a haskell based operating system?

Using Haskell (maybe with JHC) to write something similar to busybox or toybox would be great :) but given how Aboriginal still uses busybox instead of toybox, I guess this is a lot of work.

The gist is more about Linux + musl-based busybox (and runit) + musl-based Nix + see how to have a few packages out of nixpkgs using musl. In other words, something like Void Linux but using Nix as its package manager. Or maybe something like NixOS but using runit and musl.

I think Nix has some provision to use musl but I don't know much yet about it.


I'm running into problems finding info on how to build busy box using the AOSP tree because the directories for prebuilt are confusing

android / platform / prebuilts / gcc / linux-x86 / aarch64 / aarch64-linux-android-4.9 / master / . / aarch64-linux-android / bin

android / platform / prebuilts / gcc / linux-x86 / aarch64 / aarch64-linux-android-4.9 / master / . / bin