MichaelWJung / kolab-docker

How to set up Kolab 3.3 in a Docker container

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Install Kolab 3.3 in a Docker container

This guide shows you how to set up Kolab 3.3 in a Docker container. I use this setup for my family, but it might also work for a small business.

This guide is partly based on the following guides:



Build the Kolab container

For all instructions: Replace host.mydomain.tld with the FQDN of your server

Create a file containing your FQDN in the build directory

echo host.mydomain.tld > hostname

Copy your SSL certificates into the build directory and name them as follows:

domain.crt Your signed certificate

domain.key Your private key

ca.pem Certificate of the CA that signed your certificate

Before you start the build process you might want to change time zone and locale in the Dockerfile, by default they are set to Europe/Berlin and de_DE.UTF-8.

Then build the container with (use whatever username you want as you will not upload any of the images created here because they contain your SSL keys):

docker build -t dockerusername/kolab:v1 .

Set up the Kolab server

Create the container and attach:

docker run --name kolab -p 25:25 -p 143:143 -p 443:443 -p 587:587 -p 4190:4190 -h host.mydomain.tld -d -t -i dockerusername/kolab:v1 /bin/bash
docker attach kolab

In the container run:


Then restart the container and re-attach:

docker start kolab
docker attach kolab

If your server only has 1GB of RAM (like mine), you might want to disable virus detection by uncommenting the following line in /etc/amavisd/amavisd.conf (in the container)

@bypass_virus_checks_maps = (1);  # controls running of anti-virus code

You also need to change /root/start.sh and comment out:

#service clamd start

Then start your services:


The server should now be up and running and you can continue creating users on the kolab webadmin page https://host.mydomain.tld/kolab-webadmin (log in with user name cn=Directory Manager and the password defined when running setup-kolab)

Afterwards you can log in to roundcubemail on: https://host.mydomain.tld/roundcubemail

Change default addresses

If you run the Kolab server for your family as I do, you might want to have email addresses like firstname@lastname.tld. You can achieve this by changing some default settings in /etc/kolab/kolab.conf:

In the section [mydomain.tld] change primary mail to:

primary_mail = %(givenname)s@%(domain)s

In section [kolab] change secondary mail to:

secondary_mail = {
        0: {
        "{0}@{1}": "format('%(uid)s', '%(domain)s')"
        1: {
        "{0}@{1}": "format('%(givenname)s.%(surname)s', '%(domain)s')"

In section [kolab] change primary_mail to:

primary_mail = %(givenname)s@%(domain)s

In section [kolab] change policy_uid to:

policy_uid = %(givenname)s.lower()

In section [kolab] you can also change the default locale:

default_locale = de_DE

Restart the kolab service to apply the changes:

service kolabd restart

Change sender addresses and storage limit

By default, the sender addresses will be something like user@host.mydomain.tld. You probably want to change this to user@mydomain.tld. This can be achieved by uncommenting the following line in /etc/postfix/main.cf:

myorigin = $mydomain

You might also want to change the size limit of incoming mails. This can be changed by adding the following to /etc/postfix/main.cf:

message_size_limit = <size limit in bytes>

For the changes to take effect you need to restart postfix:

service postfix restart

Catch-all addresses for subdomains

If you want to have catch-all addresses for subdomains, you can use the following steps:

Edit /etc/postfix/main.cf and add to the end of virtual_alias_maps:


Add to /etc/postfix/virtual:

@subdomain1.mydomain.tld      user1@mydomain.tld
@subdomain2.mydomain.tld      user1@mydomain.tld
@subdomain3.mydomain.tld      user1@mydomain.tld
@subdomain4.mydomain.tld      user2@mydomain.tld
@subdomain5.mydomain.tld      user3@mydomain.tld

Then run:

postmap /etc/postfix/virtual
service postfix restart

Allow secondary addresses as sender addresses

Edit /etc/kolab/kolab.conf and change address_search_attrs in section [kolab_smtp_access_policy] to:

address_search_attrs = mail, alias, mailalternateaddress

Settings for CalDAV client

Use URL: https://host.mydomain.tld/iRony/calendars/user1@mydomain.tld/Calendar

Settings for CardDAV client

Use URL: https://host.mydomain.tld/iRony/addressbooks/user1@mydomain.tld/Contacts

Settings for WebDAV

Use URL: https://host.mydomain.tld/iRony/files

Settings for Android

Create a Corporate account with type Exchange and use the following settings:

User name: your user id

Server: host.mydomain.tld

Port: 443

Security type: SSL/TLS


How to set up Kolab 3.3 in a Docker container

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Language:Shell 82.4%Language:PHP 17.6%