MichaelMure / git-bug

Distributed, offline-first bug tracker embedded in git, with bridges

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add some documentation on how it behaves with git-log

guilbep opened this issue · comments

I'm a user of the git log --all --decorate --oneline --graph and I was surprised to see the commits used by git-bug appearing under the author ' <>'.

  1. It is not mentioned in the documentation that it will be the case
  2. Maybe it's because of something I did? Is the author always ' <>' ? Is there any reason ?
  3. It's easy to hide them with the following command git log --all --decorate --oneline --graph --perl-regexp --author='^((?! <>).*)$'
  4. Maybe we should add some information about this in the documentation.

I'd be glad to write a pull request, but I'm not sure where to document this or even if it's necessary. But I thought it was missing.

Hmmm, git-bug put his data into refs/bugs/* or refs/identities/*, which are normally ignored by git commands. The problem is that you explicitly ask to show them with --all. Is that really necessary?

The author is not set in those commits because it's not meant for human consumption and therefore unnecessary. The actual author that git-bug use is set in the JSON stored in the git Blob.

Ow, I could use git log --decorate --oneline --graph --exclude="refs/bugs/*" --exclude="refs/identities/*" --all . then :) It's better.

Maybe that's not necessary to add this information in the documentation then. Thank you

Just FYI, there is going to be more of those namespaces in the future: boards, prs, config ...

@MichaelMure Thank you for the information. What do you think of adding the namespaces in /doc/model.md at least then ? 👍

I'd think that the people caring about this would find this issue instead.