MichaelMure / git-bug

Distributed, offline-first bug tracker embedded in git, with bridges

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

FTBFS: *GitRepo does not implement ClockedRepo (missing method AllClocks)

mcepl opened this issue · comments

tumbleweed-pkg~/r/git-bug (master *)$ go clean -modcache
tumbleweed-pkg~/r/git-bug (master *)$ go mod tidy
tumbleweed-pkg~/r/git-bug (master *)$ git diff >/tmp/git-diff.patch
tumbleweed-pkg~/r/git-bug (master *)$ go install
# github.com/MichaelMure/git-bug/repository
repository/gogit.go:30:7: clockPath redeclared in this block
	repository/git.go:20:2: other declaration of clockPath
repository/keyring.go:53:6: replaceKeyring redeclared in this block
	repository/git_testing.go:65:6: other declaration of replaceKeyring
repository/keyring.go:58:26: method replaceKeyring.Keyring already declared at repository/git_testing.go:70:26
repository/git.go:23:21: cannot use &GitRepo{} (value of type *GitRepo) as ClockedRepo value in variable declaration: *GitRepo does not implement ClockedRepo (missing method AllClocks)
repository/git.go:24:20: cannot use &GitRepo{} (value of type *GitRepo) as TestedRepo value in variable declaration: *GitRepo does not implement TestedRepo (missing method AllClocks)
repository/git.go:79:27: cannot use repo (variable of type *GitRepo) as ClockedRepo value in argument to loader.Witnesser: *GitRepo does not implement ClockedRepo (missing method AllClocks)
repository/git_testing.go:41:15: cannot use repo (variable of type *GitRepo) as TestedRepo value in struct literal: *GitRepo does not implement TestedRepo (missing method AllClocks)
repository/git_testing.go:47:30: not enough arguments in call to CreateGoGitTestRepo
	have (bool)
	want (testing.TB, bool)
repository/git_testing.go:48:30: not enough arguments in call to CreateGoGitTestRepo
	have (bool)
	want (testing.TB, bool)
repository/git_testing.go:49:31: not enough arguments in call to CreateGoGitTestRepo
	have (bool)
	want (testing.TB, bool)
repository/git_testing.go:49:31: too many errors
tumbleweed-pkg~/r/git-bug (master *)$ 


I suspect you have an outdated golang version, which one are you using?