MichaelDeBoey / ark-invest-history

Historical transaction history from Ark Invest ETFs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ARK Transactions

Update holdings & transactions Fetch ETF prices

ARK Invest has five active ETFs (ARKK, ARKG, ARKQ, ARKW, ARKF) and we aim to track data scraped from their investor resources. Data is scraped using git workflows, and then processed to be added to the master historical transactions CSV file.

The folders each hold different data: fund-holdings contains the actual published data from Ark each day, transactions contain the one-day differences in fund holdings that indicate whether something was bought or sold, and price-history contains the ETF equity price history per day (OHLC values from Yahoo Finance).

Note that starting from 2021-03-15, ARK changed its reporting habits from end-of-day holdings to beginning-of-day holdings, and these changes are also reflected in the fund holdings here.

This repository is not affiliated with ARK Invest and accepts no responsibility for financial decisions made.

R Shiny App Link


Thanks to ArkTrack whose data I used to initialize the repository.

Thanks to tigger0jk for the scraping workflow for the holdings.


Historical transaction history from Ark Invest ETFs


Language:R 69.5%Language:Python 30.5%