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dietpi-software: snapweb snapcast server invalid web root

hllhll opened this issue · comments

Required Information

  • DietPi version - 9.3.0
  • Distro version - bookworm
  • Kernel version - Linux DietPi 6.1.21-v8+ #1642 SMP PREEMPT Mon Apr 3 17:24:16 BST 2023 aarch64 GNU/Linux
  • SBC model - RPi 4 Model B (aarch64)

Additional Information (if applicable)

  • DietPi-Software: snapcast server
  • Software installed freshly, The issue most likely reproducible with a fresh install (as I did)

Steps to reproduce

Install snapcast server using dietpi-software
navigate to http://<host>:1780

Expected behaviour

snapweb should load

Actual behaviour

Web page reports an error:

The resource '/' was not found.

Extra details

Looks like the path to the www document root should contain a file named index.html; Default path configured during installation is /usr/share/snapserver/snapweb which doesn't exist. index file seem to be in /usr/share/snapserver/index.html

I Will probably fix it on my own and perform a PR, eventually :)

Hmm, snapweb is not included in this package anymore:

root@VM-Bookworm:~# l /usr/share/snapserver/
total 8.0K
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.7K Dec 22  2021 index.html
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K May 14 17:58 plug-ins

Using /usr/share/snapserver just shows a generic default page, stating

The Snapserver installation should include a copy of Snapweb, located in /usr/share/snapserver/snapweb/

which is obviously not true. Not sure whether this is intended or a packaging bug in the latest version.

Under my setup, which package would the dietpi-software installer use?
I've looked into snapcast_0.28.0_amd64-debian-bookworm.zip and it's there in usr/share/snapserver/snapweb)

Ah lol, my testing VM was at DietPi v9.3 as well. Please update to latest version and reinstall it:

dietpi-software reinstall 191

The latest Snapcast release added packages which support Debian Bookworm. Before that, we installed the packages from Debian themselves on Bookworm, which indeed do not include snapweb (anymore).

Due to some wired permission issues, I hade to uninstall and reinstall in addition to that, but now it works, Thanks!

Since it is still relevant for RISC-V, I just fixed it, installing snapweb in those cases where we install the Debian package: 2b34d77

Now I understand why it was disabled OOTB in Debian's snapsever.conf. It was removed from the Debian package, since it relies (or relied) on a JavaScript library, for which the source code is missing. Libflac.js to be precise. Checking back at current sources, this is installed as Node dependency: https://github.com/badaix/snapweb/blob/develop/package.json
And the source code is perfectly available: https://www.npmjs.com/package/libflacjs/v/5.0.0 => https://github.com/mmig/libflac.js

Indeed this changed in the meantime: badaix/snapweb#46
So Debian could re-add it to their package.

EDIT: For the record: badaix/snapweb#82

I also found the weird permissions issue. It is since the Debian package uses the _snapserver user, and the badaix package uses the snapserver user. Weird unnecessary difference, IMO. When upgrading from the Debian to badaix package or the other way round, the other respective user will remain on the system, also after purging the package.

Both addressed here: 0091219