Mic92 / nix-ld

Run unpatched dynamic binaries on NixOS

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

value is a function while a set was expected

doronbehar opened this issue · comments

  1. Enabled the module and saw I got the file in /lib64/ld-linux-x86_64.so.2.
  2. Using this change in my /etc/nixos/flake.nix:
diff --git i/flake.nix w/flake.nix
index 0b86e95..306bf02 100644
--- i/flake.nix
+++ w/flake.nix
@@ -2,13 +2,21 @@
   inputs = {
     nixpkgs.url = "github:doronbehar/nixpkgs/myChannel";
     syncthing-private.url = "git+file:///etc/nixos/syncthing-private";
+    nix-ld = {
+      url = "github:Mic92/nix-ld";
+      # this line assume that you also have nixpkgs as an input
+      inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
+    };
-  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, syncthing-private }: {
+  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, nix-ld, syncthing-private }: {
     nixosConfigurations = (
       nixpkgs.lib.genAttrs [ "ZENIX" "NUX" ]
       (hostname: nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
          system = "x86_64-linux";
-         modules = [ (import ./configuration.nix hostname syncthing-private) ];
+         modules = [
+          nix-ld.nixosModules.nix-ld
+           (import ./configuration.nix hostname syncthing-private)
+         ];
     ) // {
         # Other machines, with dedicated, configuartion.nix

And then:

$ nix-shell zoom.nix
at: (281:44) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/lib/modules.nix

   280|         options = {};
   281|         config = addFreeformType (addMeta (removeAttrs m ["_file" "key" "disabledModules" "require" "imports" "freeformType"]));
      |                                            ^
   282|       };

value is a function while a set was expected
(use '--show-trace' to show detailed location information)


$ nix shell nixpkgs#nixStable -c nix-shell zoom.nix
warning: unknown setting 'experimental-features'
error: value is a function while a set was expected, at /nix/store/g9ph7c86sbwyp9pyv6wfdh9s0yl6h3lg-myChannel.tar.gz/lib/modules.nix:281:44
(use '--show-trace' to show detailed location information)

Full trace:

error: --- TypeError --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- nix-shell
at: (281:44) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/lib/modules.nix

   280|         options = {};
   281|         config = addFreeformType (addMeta (removeAttrs m ["_file" "key" "disabledModules" "require" "imports" "freeformType"]));
      |                                            ^
   282|       };

value is a function while a set was expected
----------------------------------------------------------------- show-trace -----------------------------------------------------------------
trace: while evaluating 'addMeta'
at: (256:17) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/lib/modules.nix

   255|     let
   256|       addMeta = config: if m ? meta
      |                 ^
   257|         then mkMerge [ config { meta = m.meta; } ]

trace: from call site
at: (281:35) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/lib/modules.nix

   280|         options = {};
   281|         config = addFreeformType (addMeta (removeAttrs m ["_file" "key" "disabledModules" "require" "imports" "freeformType"]));
      |                                   ^
   282|       };

trace: while evaluating 'addFreeformType'
at: (259:25) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/lib/modules.nix

   258|         else config;
   259|       addFreeformType = config: if m ? freeformType
      |                         ^
   260|         then mkMerge [ config { _module.freeformType = m.freeformType; } ]

trace: from call site
at: (281:18) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/lib/modules.nix

   280|         options = {};
   281|         config = addFreeformType (addMeta (removeAttrs m ["_file" "key" "disabledModules" "require" "imports" "freeformType"]));
      |                  ^
   282|       };

trace: while evaluating the attribute 'config'
at: (281:9) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/lib/modules.nix

   280|         options = {};
   281|         config = addFreeformType (addMeta (removeAttrs m ["_file" "key" "disabledModules" "require" "imports" "freeformType"]));
      |         ^
   282|       };

trace: while evaluating 'pushDownProperties'
at: (576:24) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/lib/modules.nix

   575|   */
   576|   pushDownProperties = cfg:
      |                        ^
   577|     if cfg._type or "" == "merge" then

trace: from call site
at: (337:73) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/lib/modules.nix

   336|     mergeModules' prefix modules
   337|       (concatMap (m: map (config: { file = m._file; inherit config; }) (pushDownProperties m.config)) modules);
      |                                                                         ^

trace: while evaluating anonymous lambda
at: (337:19) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/lib/modules.nix

   336|     mergeModules' prefix modules
   337|       (concatMap (m: map (config: { file = m._file; inherit config; }) (pushDownProperties m.config)) modules);
      |                   ^

trace: from call site
at: (337:8) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/lib/modules.nix

   336|     mergeModules' prefix modules
   337|       (concatMap (m: map (config: { file = m._file; inherit config; }) (pushDownProperties m.config)) modules);
      |        ^

trace: while evaluating 'byName'
at: (362:25) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/lib/modules.nix

   361|       */
   362|       byName = attr: f: modules:
      |                         ^
   363|         foldl' (acc: module:

trace: from call site
at: (374:21) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/lib/modules.nix

   373|       # an attrset 'name' => list of submodules that define ‘name’.
   374|       defnsByName = byName "config" (module: value:
      |                     ^
   375|           map (config: { inherit (module) file; inherit config; }) (pushDownProperties value)

trace: while evaluating 'byName'
at: (362:25) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/lib/modules.nix

   361|       */
   362|       byName = attr: f: modules:
      |                         ^
   363|         foldl' (acc: module:

trace: from call site
at: (378:22) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/lib/modules.nix

   377|       # extract the definitions for each loc
   378|       defnsByName' = byName "config" (module: value:
      |                      ^
   379|           [{ inherit (module) file; inherit value; }]

trace: while evaluating the attribute 'values'
at: (637:7) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/lib/modules.nix

   636|     in {
   637|       values = concatMap (def: if getPrio def == highestPrio then [(strip def)] else []) defs;
      |       ^
   638|       inherit highestPrio;

trace: while evaluating the attribute 'values'
at: (538:9) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/lib/modules.nix

   537|       in {
   538|         values = defs''';
      |         ^
   539|         inherit (defs'') highestPrio;

trace: while evaluating the attribute 'mergedValue'
at: (544:5) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/lib/modules.nix

   543|     # Type-check the remaining definitions, and merge them. Or throw if no definitions.
   544|     mergedValue =
      |     ^
   545|       if isDefined then

trace: while evaluating the option `_module.freeformType':
trace: while evaluating the attribute 'value'
at: (512:9) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/lib/modules.nix

   511|     in warnDeprecation opt //
   512|       { value = builtins.addErrorContext "while evaluating the option `${showOption loc}':" value;
      |         ^
   513|         inherit (res.defsFinal') highestPrio;

trace: while evaluating anonymous lambda
at: (139:72) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/lib/modules.nix

   138|           # For definitions that have an associated option
   139|           declaredConfig = mapAttrsRecursiveCond (v: ! isOption v) (_: v: v.value) options;
      |                                                                        ^

trace: from call site
at: (279:20) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/lib/attrsets.nix

   278|               then recurse (path ++ [name]) value
   279|               else f (path ++ [name]) value;
      |                    ^
   280|         in mapAttrs g set;

trace: while evaluating 'g'
at: (276:19) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/lib/attrsets.nix

   275|           g =
   276|             name: value:
      |                   ^
   277|             if isAttrs value && cond value

trace: from call site
trace: while evaluating the attribute '_module.freeformType'
trace: while evaluating 'evalModules'
at: (62:17) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/lib/modules.nix

    61|      evalModules) and the less declarative the module set is. */
    62|   evalModules = { modules
      |                 ^
    63|                 , prefix ? []

trace: from call site
at: (58:12) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/nixos/lib/eval-config.nix

    57|   # system configuration.
    58|   inherit (lib.evalModules {
      |            ^
    59|     inherit prefix check;

trace: while evaluating the attribute 'config.nixpkgs.overlays'
at: (64:5) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/nixos/lib/eval-config.nix

    63|       { modulesPath = builtins.toString ../modules; } // specialArgs;
    64|   }) config options _module;
      |     ^

trace: while evaluating anonymous lambda
at: (1:7) in file: /etc/nixos/overlays-compat/overlays.nix

     1| self: super:
      |       ^
     2| with super.lib;

trace: from call site
at: (69:67) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/lib/fixed-points.nix

    68|   #
    69|   extends = f: rattrs: self: let super = rattrs self; in super // f self super;
      |                                                                   ^

trace: while evaluating 'extends'
at: (69:24) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/lib/fixed-points.nix

    68|   #
    69|   extends = f: rattrs: self: let super = rattrs self; in super // f self super;
      |                        ^

trace: from call site
at: (69:42) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/lib/fixed-points.nix

    68|   #
    69|   extends = f: rattrs: self: let super = rattrs self; in super // f self super;
      |                                          ^

trace: while evaluating 'extends'
at: (69:24) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/lib/fixed-points.nix

    68|   #
    69|   extends = f: rattrs: self: let super = rattrs self; in super // f self super;
      |                        ^

trace: from call site
at: (19:20) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/lib/fixed-points.nix

    18|   # details.
    19|   fix = f: let x = f x; in x;
      |                    ^

trace: while evaluating 'fix'
at: (19:9) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/lib/fixed-points.nix

    18|   # details.
    19|   fix = f: let x = f x; in x;
      |         ^

trace: from call site
at: (252:3) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/pkgs/top-level/stage.nix

   251|   # Return the complete set of packages.
   252|   lib.fix toFix
      |   ^

trace: while evaluating anonymous lambda
at: (12:1) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/pkgs/top-level/stage.nix

    12| { ## Misc parameters kept the same for all stages
      | ^
    13|   ##

trace: from call site
at: (116:26) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/pkgs/top-level/default.nix

   115|   # sets. Only apply arguments which no stdenv would want to override.
   116|   allPackages = newArgs: import ./stage.nix ({
      |                          ^
   117|     inherit lib nixpkgsFun;

trace: while evaluating 'allPackages'
at: (116:17) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/pkgs/top-level/default.nix

   115|   # sets. Only apply arguments which no stdenv would want to override.
   116|   allPackages = newArgs: import ./stage.nix ({
      |                 ^
   117|     inherit lib nixpkgsFun;

trace: from call site
at: (101:12) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/pkgs/stdenv/booter.nix

   100|       then args'
   101|       else allPackages ((builtins.removeAttrs args' ["selfBuild"]) // {
      |            ^
   102|         adjacentPackages = if args.selfBuild or true then null else rec {

trace: while evaluating 'folder'
at: (89:33) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/pkgs/stdenv/booter.nix

    88|   # debugging purposes.
    89|   folder = nextStage: stageFun: prevStage: let
      |                                 ^
    90|     args = stageFun prevStage;

trace: from call site
at: (68:18) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/pkgs/stdenv/booter.nix

    67|           # Note the cycle -- call-by-need ensures finite fold.
    68|           cur  = op pred (builtins.elemAt list n) succ;
      |                  ^
    69|           succ = go cur (n + 1);

trace: while evaluating 'go'
at: (63:18) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/pkgs/stdenv/booter.nix

    62|       len = builtins.length list;
    63|       go = pred: n:
      |                  ^
    64|         if n == len

trace: from call site
at: (72:13) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/pkgs/stdenv/booter.nix

    71|       lapp = lnul cur;
    72|       cur = go lapp 0;
      |             ^
    73|     in cur;

trace: while evaluating 'dfold'
at: (60:27) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/pkgs/stdenv/booter.nix

    59|   */
    60|   dfold = op: lnul: rnul: list:
      |                           ^
    61|     let

trace: from call site
at: (136:4) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/pkgs/stdenv/booter.nix

   136| in dfold folder postStage (_: {}) withAllowCustomOverrides
      |    ^

trace: while evaluating anonymous lambda
at: (42:1) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/pkgs/stdenv/booter.nix

    41| # other words, this does a foldr not foldl.
    42| stageFuns: let
      | ^

trace: from call site
at: (126:10) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/pkgs/top-level/default.nix

   126|   pkgs = boot stages;
      |          ^

trace: while evaluating anonymous lambda
at: (20:1) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/pkgs/top-level/default.nix

    20| { # The system packages will be built on. See the manual for the
      | ^
    21|   # subtle division of labor between these two `*System`s and the three

trace: from call site
at: (84:1) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/pkgs/top-level/impure.nix

    84| import ./. (builtins.removeAttrs args [ "system" "platform" ] // {
      | ^
    85|   inherit config overlays crossSystem crossOverlays;

trace: while evaluating anonymous lambda
at: (15:1) in file: /nix/store/bqkrixcaa2h9awdsb4b5rrwc288fl264-source/pkgs/top-level/impure.nix

    15| { # We combine legacy `system` and `platform` into `localSystem`, if
      | ^
    16|   # `localSystem` was not passed. Strictly speaking, this is pure desugar, but

trace: from call site
at: (1:6) in file: /home/doron/repos/nix-ld/examples/zoom.nix

     1| with import <nixpkgs> {};
      |      ^

I don't know what myChannel.tar.gz, but it does not look like code that comes from nix-ld. You might want to find out if this comes from some overlay.

Ok. It might be the import of nixpkgs that is broken.
It fails in the very first line:

with import <nixpkgs> {};

Closing because this does not look like an issue of nix-ld.