MetaMask / contributor-docs

Guides, best practices, and everything needed to contribute to MetaMask repositories effectively.

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Shared Libraries - 2023/Q2/O3/KR1 - Complete Initial Contributor Documentation #1159

xinnanyemm opened this issue · comments


The MetaMask team’s shared principles and practices are not well documented. Typically these practices are communicated informally in code reviews, Slack discussions, and team meetings. This process is very time consuming, both for those sharing our practices and those learning them. It also makes it difficult to maintain alignment as a team.

We will solve this problem by documenting our shared principles and practices, and by engaging the wider team in using and maintaining this documentation going forward. We aim to document everything that a new contributor would need to be effective, with the condition that we’re only focusing on topics relevant to the wider MetaMask team. This documentation does not need to be comprehensive for it to have a positive impact and drive engagement. We’ll be focusing primarily on well-established practices that already have a high degree of alignment, to maximize impact and minimize effort. Engaging the wider team in using and maintaining this documentation will reduce the barrier to achieving team alignment in the future, and will ensure the content remains up-to-date as our practices evolve.

KR-1: Complete initial contributor documentation
We aim to document all subjects outlined here as part of the contributor documentation MVP. This represents all topics we believe to be critical for being an effective contributor. Completing all topics would establish the intended breadth of this documentation, helping to drive team engagement.